
Ant Infestation in Walls

How to Get Rid of Ants in Your Walls: A Complete Guide

Avatar of author Ismael Girard
Ismael Girard
min read

Are you dealing with ants in your walls and unsure how to eliminate them? You're not alone.

To get rid of ants in your walls, it's essential to identify the type of ant and apply bait traps, seal entry points, and employ ant control services (if necessary). These methods make sure to remove and prevent future infestations. Continue reading to explore detailed steps and understand how to implement these solutions in your home.

This article will guide you on:

✔️ The reasons ants choose walls or voids.

✔️ Identifying the type of ants you're dealing with.

✔️ Practical steps to eradicate ants from your walls.

✔️ Preventative measures to ensure ants do not return.

Let's dive deeper into these solutions and help you reclaim your house from these ants.

Can Ants Live in Walls?

Ants not only live in walls and in voids but also prosper there, building large colonies out of sight. They find walls to be perfect due to their relative warmth and safety from predators. But, a larger concern arises when these ants start to bore into the structure, causing damage.

Why Ants Choose Walls and Voids

Ants prefer to take up residence in walls for a multitude of reasons.

  • Walls offer them the luxury of hidden trails, and since they're out of reach of common predators, they provide a safe environment for ants to grow and multiply.
  • The walls' internal structure, abundant with small cracks and voids, serves as easy access points for these insects.
  • Wall voids often provide a near-constant source of moisture which is crucial for ants' survival. This means they can establish long-term colonies without the need to forage for water sources frequently.
  • Walls often adjoin to kitchens and food storages, providing these pests with a convenient and plentiful food source.

Common Types of Ants Found in Walls

The types of ants usually found living in walls include carpenter ants and odorous house ants.

  1. Carpenter Ants: Spoiler in the name, these ants are famous for their affinity towards wood. Unlike termites, they don't consume wood for food. But, they carve out galleries within wood to build their habitat, causing structural damage over time. Their preference extends to moist, decaying wood, often found near water leaks in homes.
  2. Odorous House Ants: These ants earn their name from the unpleasant smell they emit when crushed. Attracted to sweet substances, odorous house ants often trail into properties in search for food. Due to their small size, they can easily slip into wall voids, creating extensive networks of nests.

Recognizing the species responsible for an infestation is the first step towards a good ant control strategy.

How to Identify an Ant Infestation in Walls?

image of a person identifying ant infestation in walls

Key indicators of ant infestation in your walls include ants trailing along walls, windows, doors, or other openings.

Ants also have a characteristic body structure; the body is divided into three parts, and they possess elbowed antennae. Each species displays unique traits. For instance, Carpenter Ants possess a uniform black body, notably larger than most ants.

Carpenter Ants and Odorous House Ants, often carve out nests within wooden structures, exploiting small cracks and voids in the walls. Spotting them in your walls, floors, or near doors, suggests an infestation.

Auditory Clues of Ants in Your Walls

Besides visual signs, your ears play a crucial role in detecting ant infestations. Many people report a faint rustling sound emanating from their wooden walls, the by-product of active carpenter ants burrowing through the wood to expand their nests. This sound typically picks up during nighttime when the house is quiet, and ant activity is at its peak.

How to Get Rid of Ants in Walls? (7 Solutions)

There exist numerous natural methods to evict these unwelcome guests. Below, we've compiled a list of remedies we consider the best:

  1. Diatomaceous Earth: This natural powder can decimate the ants' exoskeleton, causing them to dehydrate and perish. Sprinkle it in areas where you've observed ant activity.
  2. Boric Acid and Sugar: An enticing mixture of boric acid and sugar can act as fatal bait for ants. This DIY remedy includes food attractants that draw ants out, with the boric acid later eliminating them.
  3. Essential Oils: Certain essential oils, such as peppermint or citrus, can disrupt ant trails and deter them from your space. Dilute these oils in water and spray in suspected wall voids or around food sources near walls.
  4. Sealants: Sealing small cracks and crevices in your foundation, walls, windows, and doors where ants commonly enter can prevent future invasions.
  5. Insecticide Sprays: Directly spraying pesticides in wall voids can swiftly eradicate visible ants and those hiding within nests. It's essential to use products formulated for indoor use and follow safety precautions, especially around pets and children.
  6. Baits: Insecticidal ant baits can be a great solution to control stubborn ant colonies. Worker ants are attracted to these baits and carry them back to their habitat, dispersing the deadly chemical among other colony members.
  7. Dust Insecticides: Dust sprays can be injected deep into wall voids, reaching the hidden nests. These can provide long-lasting control.

⚠️ Note: When DIY and over-the-counter solutions aren't making the cut, or if the infestation is large, it's time to call in the pros. Ant control services have access to specialized tools and powerful exterminants, coupled with the knowledge to differentiate species and customize treatments accordingly. They also offer follow-up services to prevent future infestations, ensuring your home remains an ant-free space.

How to Prevent Ant Infestations in Walls

A home's foundation, even though appearing solid, is full of small cracks and holes which ants exploit to gain access.

  • Identify and seal the entry points with non-toxic caulk or steel wool.
  • Pay close attention to areas near windows and doors, including the frames, for potential routes.
  • Carpenter ants are attracted to rotten wood. So, swap any damaged or damp wood in your house with treated wood, as it offers resistance to many wood-loving pests.
  • Address the moisture in and around the house, as it deters ants from building their habitat. Clear all standing water and fix any leaky pipes that may be contributing to wall dampness.
  • Keep plants and trees trimmed away from the house. Their branches can provide ants an easy pathway into the home. Regular gutter cleaning is beneficial, too, as it prevents water from pooling and creating ideal environments for ants.To prevent ants in apartments, ensure that food sources are kept sealed and clean. This simple step can significantly reduce the likelihood of an ant invasion.


After thoroughly grasping why ants infest walls, identifying different ant types, spotting infestations, and examining both natural remedies and chemical treatments, it's time to take active steps. Let's investigate into strategies to nip the problem in the bud.

While DIY treatments can provide relief, long-term solutions may require professional intervention.

Prevention always trumps cure. Hence, it's vital to manipulate our environments for an ant-unfriendly space. Start by sealing potential entry points like small cracks in walls, windows, or doors.

Keeping the house, especially the kitchen, clean can remove potential food sources that attract ants. Special attention must be paid to moisture control, as most ant colonies are attracted to moist wood and damp spaces. Hence, fix leaking pipes promptly and ensure proper drainage.

With these actions, maintaining an ant-free home becomes much more manageable. Don't wait for the problem to escalate. Tackle the infestation head-on with professional help, effective prevention, and proper insecticide use. Implement these measures to control ant infestations and keep your home ant-free.

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Frequently asked questions

How can I identify an ant infestation in my walls?

Look for visual signs such as ant trails along walls or windows, nests in woodwork, and the presence of wood shavings or frass. Auditory clues like rustling sounds from within walls can also indicate activity.

What are natural remedies to get rid of ants in walls?

Natural remedies include using diatomaceous earth to dehydrate ants, creating bait with boric acid and sugar, using essential oils to deter ants, and sealing entry points with caulk or steel wool.

What chemical treatments are effective against wall ants?

Chemical treatments like insecticide sprays, baits, and dust insecticides can effectively eliminate ants in walls, but they should be used carefully following manufacturer's instructions.