
Keep mice out of camper

How to keep mice out of your RV? (And how to get rid of them)

Avatar of author Ismael Girard
Ismael Girard
min read

Ever been camping and found unexpected guests in your camper? Yes, we're talking about those pesky little creatures - mice. It's a common issue that many campers face but don't fret, we'll take care of it.

In this text, we'll answer the following questions for you:

✔️ Why are mice attracted to campers?

✔️ How to prevent mice from getting in RV?

✔️ What are the best deterrents to keep mice out of RV?

✔️ How to get rid of mice in RV? (active infestation)

We're going to share some practical methods. They are tried-and-true. They prevent unwelcome guests from ruining your camping. With our expertise and research, we're confident you'll find our tips incredibly helpful. So, stick around and let's get started.

Why are mice attracted to campers?

Person preparing for getting rid of mice in RV

For a mouse, a camper is a paradise. In its view, our campers serve as ready-made shelters stocked with potential food sources. Warmth and security add to their appeal, especially during cold winter months.

When we're packing up after a trip, we might inadvertently leave behind crumbs or traces of snacks. These residual scents are impossible for us to notice but are like beacons to rodents. Their acute sense of smell leads them straight to our camper's door.

Recognizing signs of a mouse infestation in RVs

  • Mouse droppings: They are one of the most common and obvious signs of a mice invasion. These tiny black grains are usually scattered around food areas or hidden corners. Don't let their size fool you - just one mouse can produce over 70 droppings a day!
  • Gnaw marks: Mice have sharp teeth and love to chew on things. They’ll gnaw through wood, wires, cloth - anything that stands between them and food or nesting materials.
  • Unusual sounds: They are sometimes the first hint of a problem. Those noises could mean there are mice in your camper. The noises happen at night and could be scratching, scurrying, or squeaking. Take heed of these warnings and act fast.

How to prevent mice from getting in RVs?

We have a deep understanding of mouse behavior. We're ready to take practical steps to keep them out of your camper. Armed with knowledge, it's finally time to fight the invasion right on the front lines.

Identify and seal entry points

Mice are remarkably flexible. They can squeeze through tiny spaces, making any hole or crack larger than a dime a possible entry point.

Your mission is to locate these points and seal them off promptly. This approach is crucial not only for campers but is also effective for homeowners looking to keep mice out of the garage.

How to inspect and seal the exterior?

Venturing around the exterior of the RV, we've got to assess every nook and cranny.

  • Scrutinize the foundation, windows, and doors.
  • Closely inspect where utility pipes and wires enter the camper, as these are common routes for mice.
  • Once identified, take immediate action. Use steel wool, caulk, or rodent-proof sealants to barricade these points.

How to inspect and seal the interior?

Naturally, our fight doesn't end outside. The interior of the camper also requires the same careful assessment.

  • Look for holes and cracks in baseboards, cabinets, and closets. Don't overlook spaces behind appliances or under the sink.
  • Similar to the exterior, seal all discoveries with appropriate materials without delay.

Keep your RV clean!

Sealing off possible entries is just half of our battle plan. To complement this, it's essential to implement great preventative practices going forward.

Food storage and cleanliness

Of course, mice are attracted to food, so it's wise to store food in strong, sealed containers. Keep dining and cooking areas spotless, ensuring any food residue is swept away immediately.

RV storage and parking strategies

Parking off grass, as far away from fields or woods, can be a significant advantage.

In storage, make it hard for mice to get cozy. Leave no nesting material and use rodent deterrents. These include ultrasonic devices and natural repellents.

What are the best deterrents to keep mice out of RVs?

Addressing unwanted rodents in your camper requires understanding natural and commercial deterrents. They provide a powerful one-two punch. These powerful mice deterrents will shield your camper from mice. They add extra protection when combined with the preventions discussed earlier.

So now, let's explore top choices of both natural and commercial deterrents, and how we can best utilize them to our advantage.

Natural mouse deterrents

Natural deterrents are common substances. They discourage mice due to their strong smell or taste. Here are our favorites:

  • Peppermint oil soaked in cotton balls
  • Irish spring soap
  • Dryer sheets

These substances can be easily found in most homes and can be perpetual allies in our mouse-proofing efforts.

Peppermint oil and cotton balls

Peppermint oil has a profoundly powerful scent that mice find upsetting. By using saturated cotton balls with this oil and placing them around the camper, we're creating a scent barrier that mice avoid.

It's important to replace the cotton balls every few days due to the oil's natural evaporation.

Irish spring soap and dryer sheets

Another widely used natural deterrent is the use of Irish Spring soap or scented dryer sheets. Mice strongly dislike strong smells and both these options emit a robust fragrance.

Simply place these around the camper. They act as a natural repellent, coaxing the mice to seek shelter elsewhere.

Commercial mouse deterrents

Natural methods work well. But, there are also many commercial products made to repel mice, like:

  • Ultrasonic repellents
  • Any Fresh Cab product

Here we're discussing two popular options that have garnered positive reviews.

Ultrasonic pest repellents

Ultrasonic pest repellents are electronic devices. They emit high-frequency sound waves, which people can't hear but pests find distressing. By installing these gadgets in our camper, we're building a wall of sound. It is intolerable to mice, so it keeps them away.

Fresh cab and other repellent products

Products like Fresh Cab release a balsam fir oil scent, which is pleasant for people but repugnant to rodents.

Available in a pouch form, we can place them under cabinets, drawers, or other hidden corners of the camper. The scent lasts up to three months, which is an efficient, long-lasting solution to our mouse problem.

How to get rid of mice in RV? (active infestation)

Now, we focus on dealing with existing mouse infestations in campers. We are done with preventing them. This section is dedicated to those of us already engaged in the battle against these small invaders.

Place mouse traps in your RV

Before doing anything, you need to place efficient mouse traps around your RV to catch mice.

Humane trapping methods

Humane traps are an effective method, especially for those of us uncomfortable with kill traps. These traps allow us to catch the mice without causing them any harm and release them far away from our campers.

To be most effective, we recommend baiting these traps with food-like peanut butter or chocolate that is irresistible to most mice.

Kill traps and why to avoid poison baits

While kill traps might provide a quicker solution, they come with their own challenges. For instance, dead mice can cause foul smells, especially if they crawl into hard-to-reach spots before dying. Instead, we suggest avoiding poison baits for this purpose.

While effective, the use of poison also poses risks to non-target animals and humans, especially when children are present.

Clean and disinfect your RV

Eliminating the scent trails left by mice is crucial. These small rodents use scent trails to navigate and find food sources within your camper.

Start by wiping down all surfaces with a bleach solution, ensuring every nook and corner is reached. Remember: cleanliness is your best defense.

Assess the infestation and repair damage

Once the camper is disinfected, it's time to evaluate the extent of the damage. Look for signs like chew marks on wires, insulation, or furniture.

Additionally, examine any hidden spaces where mice may have established nests. Fixing these visible signs of damage and entry points helps in your fight now. It also prevents future infestations.

Whether you're dealing with a few stray mice or a full-blown infestation, know that a smart, step-by-step plan will make your camper mouse-free.

Carry on the good fight and remember, being thorough at each step is key in winning this battle.


So we've explored the ins and outs of keeping mice out of your camper. Remember, it's all about making your camper less appealing to these little invaders. Proper food storage is key and while ultrasonic pest repellers may help, they're not a silver bullet.

It's crucial to maintain regular cleanliness and take preventative measures. By doing so, we can enjoy our camping trips without the unwelcome company of mice. Here's to many more pest-free adventures!

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Frequently asked questions

How do mice find their way into campers?

Mice can squeeze through tiny spaces larger than a dime, using holes, cracks, and gaps as entry points into campers.

What are the signs of a mouse infestation in a camper?

Signs include mouse droppings, gnaw marks on various materials, and unusual sounds like scratching or squeaking at night.

What are the long-term strategies for keeping mice out of campers?

Long-term strategies include sealing entry points, storing food properly, conducting regular inspections, and possibly professional pest control services.