
Mice pest control

Mice pest control: Getting rid of mice in 2024

Avatar of author Ismael Girard
Ismael Girard
min read

Looking to get rid of mice in your home? You're at the right place!

In our comprehensive guide, you’ll understand the ins and outs of mice infestations, distinguishing between professional services and DIY approaches.

But, here’s the catch: the effectiveness of these strategies can vary widely, dependent on factors you might not have considered.

So, why stick around? Because knowing these nuances could be the difference between a temporary fix and a long-term solution.

Understanding mice infestations

mice exterminator who caught a mouse

To effectively tackle a mice problem, you'll need to be aware of the risks they pose to your home and health.

Recognizing the signs of a mouse infestation is the first step in addressing the mouse issue. Let’s explore the dangers mice bring and how you can identify if they’ve invaded your space.

Dangers of mice in your home

  • A mouse infestation can often lead to food contamination, exposing you to dangerous diseases.
  • These rodents are notorious for damaging walls and other building materials, creating unsanitary conditions that attract more pests.
  • The physical damage extends to gnawed wiring, which can be a fire hazard.
  • Also, the presence of mice can trigger asthma in susceptible individuals.

So, as you can see, dealing with mice isn’t just about removing an annoyance; it’s about preventing serious health risks and protecting your home from substantial physical damage.

Did you know?

A study posted on National Library of Medicine highlights a concerning trend: Only 50% of the individuals who encounter mouse nuisances take proactive measures to address the issue, such as sealing perimeters and storing food secure. This reluctance or delay in action can lead to more significant infestations and potential health risks.

Identifying a mouse infestation

  • An adult house mouse is small size, gray, and has distinctively large ears. 
  • Mouse droppings are tiny and spindle-shaped.
  • You might also find nests made from shredded materials or detect chewed debris.
  • Look for noises, such as scratching within walls, and unpleasant odors from their urine.

If you notice one of these signs, it's might be time to call a mouse control professional!

Our professional mice pest control services

exterminator relocation mice

Now that you understand the basics of mice infestations, let’s see how our professional mice pest control services can help you.

Note that before initiating any treatment, preparing your home for mouse extermination is crucial, involving cleaning to remove food sources and securing trash to make your space less appealing to mice.

How our pest control for mice services work

Pest Agent's process is unique. It kicks off with identifying your specific mice problem, ensuring you’re quickly connected with a skilled exterminator near you and have a great overview of the mice extermination duration.

This professional service dives deep into mouse prevention and rodent infestation solutions tailored to your needs. Also, we’re always exploring alternatives for effective rodent control, ensuring we stay ahead of these clever critters.

With our focused approach, you’ll benefit from a pest-free home, safeguarded against future invasions. Trust us to keep your space secure with our expertly designed strategies.

The AIM approach to rodent control

The duties of a mouse exterminator can go quite deep. And we thought you might want to know more about our approach.

So there it is, the AIM approach: Assess, Implement, Monitor. This method ensures we not only get rid of your current invaders but also keep them from coming back.

Let’s take a closer look at how each step plays a pivotal role in safeguarding your home.


To effectively tackle a mice infestation, our expert technicians will inspect both the interior and exterior areas of your home. They'll focus on:

  1. Identifying types of mice and accessible mouse nests.
  2. Spotting evidence of mice, especially around food packages.
  3. Evaluating common mouse control measures already in place.
  4. Examining building foundations for potential entry points.


Following the assessment phase, our mice control experts will initiate a targeted mouse treatment plan to effectively eliminate your mice problem.

They'll focus on areas like wall voids where deer mice and white-footed mice thrive. We’ll use advanced products to remove mice safely and advise on storing food in glass or metal containers to deter these pests.


After implementing our targeted mouse treatment plan, we need to double down on monitoring your home for signs of continued mouse activity to ensure the effectiveness of our efforts. Here's what you'll have to do: 

  1. Weekly inspections: Check for new signs of mouse species, including adult and baby mice.
  2. Focus areas: Pay special attention to food sources and food debris.
  3. Signs of activity: Look for droppings, nesting materials, or gnaw marks.

This highlights the role of a mice exterminator in not just addressing the current infestation but also in preventing future issues.

Note : If activity persists, our rodent exterminator offers convenient mice service to tackle the entire mouse infestation, ensuring effective mouse control methods against mice and larger wildlife.

Our mice treatments

With Pest Agent, you'll always get the most advanced mice treatments.

Our mice treatment technicians are trained in humane removal techniques, ensuring that mice are captured and relocated without harm. They'll explain the length of mouse extermination service, ensuring you understand the timeline and what to expect throughout the process.

Then, we're going to address the problem at its source, which includes sealing entry points mice use to get inside your home.

Prevention is key, and our team works diligently to identify and close these gaps, preventing future infestations.

Following the removal and prevention steps, we conduct a thorough clean-up of the affected areas, including sanitizing surfaces and eliminating any remnants or odors left by the mice.

Professional vs. DIY mice control

a mouse next to cheese in a mouse trap

When it comes to getting rid of mice, you’re faced with 2 options: tackling the problem yourself or calling in the professionals.

Let's see what is the best option for you. 

DIY mice control strategies

DIY is good for small infestations or early signs of mice in your home. They also offer a budget-friendly solution to pest control. 

Are mouse traps and baits really effective?

Assessing the effectiveness of mouse traps and bait stations reveals a nuanced approach to DIY pest control strategies.

  1. Snap traps are highly effective but require careful placement.
  2. Electronic traps offer a cleaner solution, albeit at a higher cost.
  3. Bait stations can effectively reduce mouse population but pose risks to pets if not used cautiously.
  4. Live traps provide a humane option, yet necessitate relocation of the mice.

Important : mouse poison are considered bad practices when used against mice. Before using mouse poison, make sure to consult an expert.

Professional services

While DIY options might seem cost-effective initially, the cost of hiring a mouse exterminator is justified by the long-term effectiveness and peace of mind it brings.

Our certified exterminators are trained to identify, target, and eliminate mice infestations thoroughly, ensuring the problem is resolved at its root.

Unlike DIY solutions, which might offer temporary relief, professional services provide comprehensive strategies that prevent future infestations.

So, while the initial cost may be higher, the long-term benefits of hiring professionals far outweigh the temporary savings of DIY methods.


In wrapping up, getting rid of mice in 2024 doesn’t have to be a headache.

By understanding infestations, using our professional services, and implementing our effective mouse treatment plans, you’re taking a huge step forward.

But remember! Continuously evaluating pest control services effectiveness is key to ensuring your home remains mouse-free, underscoring the importance of professional services and regular monitoring.

Together, we’ll make sure your home stays mouse-free, providing you peace of mind and a healthier living environment.

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Frequently asked questions

How can I humanely relocate mice without causing them harm?

You can humanely relocate mice by using live traps. Ensure you check them frequently to avoid distress. Release the mice in a distant habitat suitable for their survival to prevent harm during relocation.

Are there any specific scents or natural repellents that can deter mice?

Yes, there are lesser-known scents that can deter mice. Peppermint oil isn’t widely used professionally but it’s effective. Similarly, clove oil and cayenne pepper are natural repellents that haven’t hit mainstream extermination practices yet.

Can mice become resistant to traditional methods of pest control?

Yes, mice can become resistant to conventional pest control methods. To adapt, you’ll need to rotate strategies, incorporate natural repellents, and stay updated on new advancements in mouse control technology and approaches.