
Will mice eat potatoes

Do Mice Eat Potatoes? How to Stop Them

Avatar of author Ismael Girard
Ismael Girard
min read

Ever wondered what are the things mice like to eat during an infestation? These creatures are known for their adaptability and diverse diet, but will they eat potatoes?

In this text, we'll answer the following questions for you:

✔️ Are mice attracted by potatoes?

✔️ How to prevent mice from eating my potatoes?

✔️ What are signs of mice infestation in potato storage/kitchen cabinet?

We've tapped into our years of experience and extensive research to provide clear, reliable answers. So, if you're ready to gain some fresh insights into the world of mice and their eating habits, let's get started.

Are Mice Attracted by Potatoes?

mice eating potatoes

Yes, mice are attracted to potatoes. These pests, much like rats also, are opportunistic feeders. This means they'll eat a whole host of items, including your favorite veggies from the garden. Potatoes are no exception.

Mice's Dietary Habits

It's essential to understand that mice are opportunistic pests, leading us to wonder how often mice eat and what does it imply?

Well, just know that mice will consume just about any item around them, with an eating pattern similar to humans.

This highlights their need to frequently search for food, making our potatoes a prime target. They've evolved to enjoy a varied diet, one that includes grains, fruits, and yes, even potatoes.

How to Prevent Mice from Eating My Potatoes?

There are numerous strategies we can implement to keep these small rodents at bay, especially where our precious potatoes are concerned. It's important to remember mice and rats are opportunistic and adaptable.

They'll go exactly where the food is easy to snap up. So, our strategies revolve around making our potatoes a lot less accessible and appetizing for these critters.

Store Your Potatoes Effectively

If we leave these tubers lying around in our kitchen or farm, they become top of the menu for any mouse.

A simple yet effective solution is using a bin or a canister with a tight-fitting, secure lid. A storage solution made of metal is an excellent choice as mice can chew through plastic and wood, but they'll find metal a tough nut to crack.

Expert insight: Pet owners need to be aware that mice also love to nibble at pet food. So, it's important to keep these items stored in a similar secure and rodent-proof manner.

Natural Repellents and Barriers

Repellents serve as another excellent way to prevent mice from getting cozy in our potato patches.

Repellent 1: One method can be the use of a castor oil-based granular repellent. It's a great natural solution for keeping mice from burrowing in search of potato tubers. This repellent is simply spread around the potato patch, keeping mice at bay, as they find the smell off-putting.

Repellent 2: Planting certain strong-smelling plants around our potatoes can also work as a deterrent. Plants such as Lavender and Mint are known to be effective. Their strong aroma is usually enough to turn any mouse away.

Repellent 3: Finally, for those who want to ensure no quarter-sized holes appear in their fields, a physical barrier could be the solution. We're talking primarily here about wire meshes. A mesh with small holes that is placed around and under the plant can stop mice from getting to the tubers.

Use Traps and Baits

Trapping and baiting is a common method employed in a typical rodent control strategy. It serves as a quick and efficient way to remove mice from your premises. Here, we will discuss two primary options:

Snap Traps: The beauty of a snap trap is that it can be used repeatedly. A lot of you might know them as the classic mouse trap. When baited with a mouse’s favorite food, it can yield significant results, reduce the rodent population, and so minimize the damage. It's best practice to set these traps in high traffic mouse areas.

Bait Stations: Bait stations come pre-loaded with rodenticide bait, designed to attract mice and rats. This method of pest control is convenient and often preferred for a larger area of infestation. However, while using such methods, always remember the caution it represents as it may pose a risk to pets and other non-target animals in the vicinity.

Ultrasonic Repellents

Apart from traps and baits, ultrasonic repellents serve as one of the best mice repellers. They are non-toxic, eco-friendly solutions that are easy to use and require little maintenance.

The science behind ultrasonic repellents is compelling. They work by emitting high-frequency sounds that are disruptive to mice, driving them away from your property. The good part about such repellents is that their frequency is tuned to a range that isn't audible to most humans or pets - only rodents.

A potential downside to keep in mind here is that the effectiveness of these devices can diminish over time as mice might get acclimated to the sounds. Yet, for many, this remains a practical, humane method to deter these unwelcome guests from your potato stash.

What Are Signs of Mice Infestation in Potato Storage/kitchen Cabinet?

Knowing the signs of a mice infestation is the first significant step. Recognizing the indicators early can help minimize damage and give way to quick control methods.

Identifying Signs of Damage

Mice love food including grains, fruits, and our subject of interest – potatoes. They love them whether straight from the garden or comfortably stored away in a potato bin. Plus, Watch out for these signs to spot potato damage by mice:

  • Nibbled potatoes are a direct sign: look for irregular shapes and bite-sized gnaws. It's as if they've used your potatoes for a nibble fest.
  • Mouse droppings: Mice have a high metabolic rate and leave behind up to 80 droppings a day. These are dark and pointed at both ends, typically 3-6 mm long.
  • Scratching noises: You might hear scratching noises during the night when mice are most active.
  • Food scatter: Mice aren't neat eaters; they leave a mess of crumbled food pieces and potato skin around the storage area.
  • Quarter-sized holes: Mice are small animals. In fact, they can squeeze through small holes or gaps not larger than a dime. If you spot any around your potato storage, mice might be your uninvited guests.

Assessing the Extent of Infestation

Determining the extent of the problem is as crucial as recognizing it in the first place. Here are some pointers:

  • How many damaged potatoes are there? A larger number of damaged potatoes indicates a high activity of mice. Don't take this lightly – move on to implementing control methods swiftly.
  • Trails of mouse droppings: Mice can leave a trail of droppings that mark their routes from their nests to the food source. Several trails might mean a larger population of mice in or around your home.
  • Repeated scratching noises: Constant, repeated scratching noises could mean there is more than one mouse around.

Being aware of these signs gives us an edge in our battle against these potato-loving rodents. After identifying the problem, swift action is necessary to prevent further damage. Choose the right control methods, from traps to repellents and remember, prevention is always the best cure.


So, we've established that mice will indeed eat potatoes if given the chance. We've also explored various methods to deter these pests from our potato storage.

From snap traps and bait stations to ultrasonic repellents, we've got a diverse toolkit at our disposal. Remember, it's crucial to be vigilant and consistent in monitoring our storage areas to prevent infestations.

While these methods are effective, they're not foolproof. Mice may become accustomed to the sounds of ultrasonic repellents over time.

It's a continuous battle, but with the right strategies, we can keep our potatoes safe from these pesky rodents. Let's put our knowledge to work and protect our potatoes from these unwanted guests.

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Frequently asked questions

How do the nutritional needs of mice influence their desire to eat potatoes?

Your mouse’s nutritional needs drive its cravings, including for potatoes. They provide energy but lack other essentials. You’ll want to ensure a balanced diet to keep those little critters healthy and satisfied.

Can a mouse’s potato-eating habits indicate a larger infestation problem in the home or farm?

Yes, if you’re finding nibbled potatoes, it likely signals a larger mouse problem. You’ll want to inspect your space and serve your community by promptly addressing and managing the infestation.

Are there any natural predators that can be introduced to control the mouse population around potato storage areas?

You can introduce natural predators like cats or barn owls to help control the mouse population around your storage areas, fostering a more balanced ecosystem and serving your community’s needs effectively.