
Cost of Ant Extermination

Ant Extermination Cost & the Factors Affecting It

Avatar of author Ismael Girard
Ismael Girard
min read

You're at war against ants and are wondering what the ant extermination cost is? 

In Canada, the ant extermination cost starts at $150 and potentially reaching up to $1,500. On average, homeowners can expect to spend about $500 for ant removal.

In this text, we'll investigate into the factors that influence these costs. We're talking everything from the type of ant species to the size of your house. It's not just about getting rid of these tiny invaders; it's about doing it in a way that's both effective and budget-friendly.

We've done our assignments, so you don't have to. Stay tuned, because you're about to become an informed homeowner ready to tackle any ant problem that comes your way.

What Is the Average Cost of Ant Extermination?

image of an exterminator giving a quote

Typically, most homeowners spend between $150 and $1,500 for expert ant extermination. Here's a simple breakdown for you:

Average Ant Extermination Costs (CAD)

  • Overall Average Cost: $150 to $1,500

Pricing by Home Size

  • 500 square foot home: ~$150
  • 4,000 square foot home: ~$500

Pricing by Ant Type

  • Carpenter Ants: Higher end of the spectrum due to difficulty in extermination
  • Fire Ants and Sugar Ants: ~$150 - $200

Per Visit Costs

  • General Per Visit: $130 - $400

Treatment Plans

  • Monthly or Bi-Monthly Treatments: $40 - $100
  • Quarterly Treatment Plans: $270 - $530 annually
  • Annual Plans: $530 - $1,070 annually

Additional Costs

  • Initial Visit (Assessment): $130 - $270
  • Follow-Up Visits: $100 - $130
  • High-End Cost for Severe Infestations: Up to $1,340

Remember, individual ant control needs dictate pricing, and companies might charge more for extensive infestations or specialized treatments.

Factors Affecting the Pricing of Ant Pest Control

Several elements can influence your ant extermination expense. From the specific type of ants to your home's square footage, these particulars shape the best extermination method and, so, the cost.

Ant Type

Carpenter ants, Pharaoh ants, Fire ants, and the common black ants. Each species presents unique challenges, because of their differing behaviors and impacts. For instance, Carpenter ants, notorious for damaging wood structures, generally command pricier extermination fees.

Square Footage of Your Home

Larger homes mean more space, implying more room for possible ant colonies. Hence, larger properties tend to improve extermination prices due to the increased service area.

Infestation Severity

The intensity of your ant infestation directly impacts costs. Typically, more severe issues necessitate multiple visits or specialized treatments, causing a price surge.

Extermination Type

Various extermination methods exist, from bait traps to chemical sprays. Certain advanced techniques may be more costly, but they may also present increased effectiveness.

DIY vs. Professional Extermination

Opting for a DIY solution may seem cost-efficient. But, professionals not only identify the sign of infestations accurately but also apply targeted treatments for different ant species. While DIY might tackle visible ants, it could overlook hidden nests, letting infestation rebound quickly. So, while professional extermination incurs an upfront cost, it often offers a better long-term solution to your ant woes.

How to Choose the Right Ant Pest Control Treatment?

Following an ant infestation, it's crucial to engage the right exterminator to restore your peace of mind. Consider the exterminator's expertise in identifying ant species, as different ants require specific treatments. Carpenter ants, for instance, create nests in wood, while pharaoh ants favor warmer indoor spaces.

Examine the exterminator's approach to managing your ant issue. The best exterminators employ a mix of methods, including baiting traps and sealing entry points, to curb the infestation efficiently. They'll follow-up with scheduled visits, ensuring the treatments are working and preventing future infestations.

Evaluate the exterminator's reputation. Positive reviews and past customers' experiences can provide valuable insights into the quality of their service.

Finally, compare quotes from different companies. The price to remove your infestation can vary, depending on factors like the severity of the infestation, the size of your property, and the type of ant species.

Professional Extermination Techniques

Professional exterminators employ several methods, each tailor-made to deal with specific ant species. One common technique involves placing ant baits around your property. These baits entice ants with a food source, which they'll then carry back to their nests, eliminating the colony.

Exterminators might also offer spray treatments, especially if your infestation is large. These techniques target ants' nests directly, providing an impactful solution to the problem.

In cases of severe infestations, exterminators might recommend enclosed, structure-focused treatments. For example, they'll target carpenter ants with treatments designed to penetrate wood and reach the hidden nests.

Regardless of the chosen method, professional exterminators are equipped to handle the task and provide long-term solutions to your ant issues.

DIY Ant Removal Techniques

DIY ant removal can be a temporary solution in some cases. One can make use of liquid baits, which work similarly to professional baits. Place them in areas frequented by ants, such as the kitchen, where they'll come to find food and water.

Another common DIY method involves sealing off the ants’ entry points. Cracks and crevices around the house can be sealed with caulk to prevent ants from entering your home.

But, DIY methods may not be as effective as professional extermination. They often deal with surface-level infestations, failing to address the hidden colonies. Also, without proper identification of the ant species, DIY solutions may not target the right nest or colony, making the issue persist. Hence, it's always wise to seek professional assistance in case of severe infestation.

What Are Preventive Measures Against Ant Infestations?

After understanding the costs and methods of ant extermination, it's vital to investigate preparing for ant extermination and preventive measures to thwart future infestations. The goal remains to maintain an ant-free environment. Importance lies in recognizing proactive practices that make your property less attractive to these industrious critters.

  1. Proactive Hygiene Practices: Keeping a clean living space remains the first line of defense against invaders. Ensure your kitchen and dining areas remain crumb-free and wipe down surfaces regularly. That's offering clear, easy tips like cleaning up food residue, making certain inside and outside trash bins have well-fitted lids, and ensuring pet food isn't left out overnight.
  2. Securing Entry Points: Ants can sneak in through the tiniest cracks. Perform regular checks on your infrastructure to identify and seal common entry points, strengthening the integrity of your home. Door frames, windows, pipework—these require particular attention.
  3. Maintaining Indoor Moisture Levels: Like all living beings, ants need water to survive. So, a moist environment serves up an open invitation to these pests. Maintaining dry conditions, primarily in the bathroom and kitchen areas, can be achieved by mending leaky faucets and ensuring good ventilation.
  4. Managing Outdoor Environment: It's important not only to look inside your homes but also outside. Regularly trim tree branches and shrubs touching the house structure as they often act as bridges for ants. Clearing wood piles and other debris close to your property aids in limiting feasible habitats for ants.
  5. Professional Pest Inspections: No matter how diligent you are at DIY prevention, it's never as efficient as getting regular inspections done by professional exterminators. They identify impending problems before they turn into full-scale invasions. Regular service visits from a trusted pest control company can help keep your property free from not only ant infestations but an array of unwanted pests.

Adherence to these best practices can drastically reduce the chances of future ant infestations, save homeowners from possible damage to their beloved homes, and the bother of expense associated with extermination services. The saying surely holds in this scenario: prevention is always better than cure.

When Should You Call an Ant Pest Control Company?

Sightings of random ants in your house – especially in the kitchen or areas where food is readily available – might be your first sign of a possible infestation. But, a couple of ants scurrying around don't necessarily signal a significant problem. It becomes a concern when you consistently spot them over an extended period, indicating their colony may reside within your property.

More alarming signs involve locating nests or significant numbers of these insects, especially of specific species known to cause structural damage like carpenter ants.

Also, if you’ve tried common DIY methods – using ant traps or baits, for example – and seen no signs of ant activity diminishing, it's a clear signal for professional intervention. Pest control companies possess the knowledge and resources to deal with large colonies and various types of ants. They specialize in providing targeted treatments for particular ants such as black, red, or pharaoh ants.


When confronted by an ant infestation, your best defense is a prompt response. Our expert exterminators stand at the ready, equipped to banish these pesky invaders from your property. Understanding the urgency of the situation, we're committed to offering effective ant pest control solutions.

When faced with an ant infestation, swift action is vital. Bring in the professionals, secure your space, make pest control visits a regular part of your home maintenance routine, and opt for comprehensive treatment to prevent a recurrence.

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Frequently asked questions

What are the common signs of an ant infestation?

Visible ants, especially in high-traffic areas like kitchens and bathrooms, are a common sign of an infestation. Other signs include ant trails and nests, which look like small piles of soil or wood shavings.

How do different ant species impact extermination costs?

Different ant species, such as carpenter ants and fire ants, present unique challenges and typically require specialized treatments. For instance, carpenter ants, which damage wood structures, often lead to higher extermination costs.

What factors influence the cost of professional ant extermination?

Factors influencing extermination costs include the type of ant species, the size of your property, the severity of the infestation, and the extermination method used. Larger homes and more severe infestations generally increase costs.