
Questions to ask bed bug exterminator

Questions to Ask Your Bed Bug Exterminator Before Hiring

Avatar of author Ismael Girard
Ismael Girard
min read

Ever found yourself in the first throes of a bed bug infestation? It's not a situation anyone wants to be in. And tackling bedbugs is no walk in the park either.

But don't worry — we've got your back. Preparing for bed bug extermination is the first step in addressing this issue. Let's help you with the right information to ask your pest control expert.

15 Questions to Ask Your Bedbug Control Company

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1. What Signs of Bedbugs to Look For, and When to Call an Exterminator?

Bed bugs are sneaky and beyond mattresses and box springs, can live even in the smallest cracks of furniture. They also mostly feed on human blood during the night.

So, you've got to look for tiny brownish adults and pale, sesame seed-sized babies; traces of their shed skin or eggs; and small red or black stains on your bed linen, which are signs of bed bug feces or crushed bugs. Another sign is bites on your skin, which often appear in lines or clusters.

Pro tip: When you travel, inspect your luggage carefully for bedbugs before bringing it back into your house, as they can spread from places to places easily.

When to call for a bedbug control expert?

Well, as soon as you notice one of these signs above, it’s time to call in the professionals - your local bed bug exterminators.

The Power of Pest Agent 💪

Pest Agent makes it easy for Canadians to get rid of bedbugs. All you have to do is fill out our form, and the most qualified (and available) exterminator will reach out to schedule a next-day visit. It's the best way to get back your piece of mind, without having to lift a finger or burn a hole in your wallet.

2. What Treatments Do You Use to Remove Bedbugs?

Different pest control companies use different bed bug treatment methods. Some may lean towards insecticides, while others might employ heat treatments or steam.

(Personally, we recommend choosing an exterminator that uses heat treatment, as it's the best way to eliminate bedbugs.)

Asking this question helps you know whether the exterminators' approach aligns with your personal preferences and household needs.

3. Are Your Methods Safe for Humans and Pets?

The prime focus of a professional bed bug exterminator is to kill the bedbugs while keeping the people and pets in your house safe.

You need to know the exact products they employ and how these might impact your health, especially if you have young children, pets or allergy sufferers.

4. What Is the Estimated Cost for Your Bed Bug Control Services?

The cost of bedbug control often depend on how extensive the problem is, and the type of treatment used. Transparency about these costs - no hidden charges - is a sign of a good pest control expert.

5. Is Prevention and Repair Options for Future Infestations Included in the Price?

Some exterminators may offer a bundled package that contains a mix of treatment, prevention, and repair services. You should ask if these additional services come with the initial payment or require an separate fee.

6. Do You Offer Same-Day Inspection?

A quick inspection can stop a full scale bed bug infestation in its track. It’s a benefit if an expert offers same-day visits to get a handle on the problem quickly.

7. How Quickly Can You Respond to an Emergency Bed Bug Infestation?

bedbugs multiply rapidly and can take over your home if not treated swiftly. Asking the estimated response time during emergency calls will give a clear idea of how quickly the team can treat a sudden severe infestation.

8. What Guarantees Do You Offer?

An important thing to ask is what if the bugs come back after the treatment? Does the company provide a guarantee period wherein they will do a free re-visit for any missed bugs?

9. How Long Does It Typically Take You to Eliminate Bedbugs?

A serious infestation might take more than one visit to be effectively wiped out. Knowing an approximate timeline helps you plan better for the extermination process.

10. What Are the Measures You Take to Protect My Property During the Extermination Process?

Extermination process can be tedious and sometimes damaging for furniture and other items. Ask about the precautions they take to minimize these damages.

11. What Do I Need to Do Before and after the Extermination?

Exterminators might ask you to bag up all clothes, linen and soft toys. The cleaned items will be safer to use after the extermination. Understanding these requirements even before the extermination process begins can save you a lot of last-minute rushing around.

12. Are Your Pest Control Services Limited to Bed Bugs, or Do You Also Address Other Pests?

Some specialized bed bug exterminators focus just on bed bugs, while others treat a variety of pests. If you’ve spotted ants, cockroaches or mice, you might benefit from a bedbug control company that handles all of these nuisances.

13. Are You Licensed and Insured?

Professional bed bug exterminators are required to have appropriate licenses and insurance. This ensures that the people you're allowing into your home are trained, qualified, and insured in case something goes wrong.

14. How Long Have You Been in the Pest Control Industry?

Experience usually brings expertise. The longer a company has been in business, the more likely they are to understand the complexities and nuances of dealing with different types of infestations.

15. Do You Offer Routine Maintenance to Ensure the Complete Eradication of Bed Bugs?

A one-off extermination might not be enough for serious infestations and it might be beneficial to opt for regular maintenance services until you're confident that all insects are gone. Regular check-ups can identify any new pests before they have a chance to establish a large colony.

Choosing a company entailing the right factors can make your bed bug problem a less stressful experience.


We've given you all the essential questions to ask your bed bug exterminator. From recognizing bedbugs to understanding methods, we've got you covered.

We've also highlighted the importance of discussing safety for humans and pets, cost transparency, and quick response times.

We've underscored the need for guarantees and property protection. Additionally, we've stressed the significance of pre and post-service requirements, company credentials, and experience. Lastly, we've introduced the idea of routine maintenance services.

Armed with this knowledge, you're ready to make a well-informed choice and hire a reputable bedbug control service. Remember, it's not just about eliminating the current infestation, it's about preventing future ones as well.

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Frequently asked questions

Are You Licensed and Insured?

Professional bed bug exterminators are required to have appropriate licenses and insurance. This ensures that the people you're allowing into your home are trained, qualified, and insured in case something goes wrong.

How Long Have You Been in the Pest Control Industry?

Experience usually brings expertise. The longer a company has been in business, the more likely they are to understand the complexities and nuances of dealing with different types of infestations.

Do You Offer Routine Maintenance to Ensure the Complete Eradication of Bed Bugs?

A one-off extermination might not be enough for serious infestations and it might be beneficial to opt for regular maintenance services until you're confident that all insects are gone. Regular check-ups can identify any new pests before they have a chance to establish a large colony.Choosing a company entailing the right factors can make your bed bug problem a less stressful experience.